What is ECOBA?

The East Central Ohio Building Authority (ECOBA) is a local building department, certified by the State of Ohio Board of Building Standards to enforce the Ohio Building Code for all commercial and industrial buildings. As a division of the Economic Development and Finance Alliance of Tuscarawas County, ECOBA is a self-funded, non-profit organization.

The Tuscarawas County Commissioners created The Building Department in response to requests by many building owners, contractors and designers to provide a local, more responsive alternative to the State of Ohio for commercial and industrial plan approval and inspection services.

Benefits of having a local building department include: Walk-through plan approval or reduced shelf time; fast inspection response; face-to-face interaction; consistent interpretation; partnering with building owner, designer and contractor; collaboration with zoning departments and fire officials; and the revenues remain local.

As we look to the future, we see tremendous growth opportunities for growth in Tuscarawas and Holmes counties. The East Central Ohio Building Authority is here to facilitate that economic growth, serve the public’s building safety and health concerns, and is committed to fostering a partnership between building owners, designers, contractors and the ECOBA.

Plan Examination and Inspection Policy.